Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Secret # 11 Studying tips

This post will provide you with a variety of study tips. These tips and their explanations will be discussed at length in some of the posts that follow. Secret number 11's sole purpose is to merely inform you of the options. You can glance at this list to get an idea of how you should study, but for complete comprehension, you should read the explanatory posts that follow. The list below is broken into multiple sections. Each section lists tips that can aid you in every part of the studying process. 

Studying Tips


  1. Ask questions. Whether you're asking a friend or a teacher, make sure you ask about topics you are unsure of.
  2. Read the text. Whether your skimming it or slowly dissecting it, as long as you have some general idea of what the content is, you will be familiar enough with the content to make the necessary connections.
  3. Review your notes before and after every class.
  4. Take good notes. If you have trouble keeping up in class rewrite/ retype your notes if they are unorganized.
  5. Pay close attention to any term/concept that your teacher emphasizes.
  6. Participate in class. Ask questions, even if you don't care find something to be curious about. If you're more involved, you're more likely to remember the lecture.

Before Studying

  1. Use a study plan. What are you going to study and when? 
  2. Set some small SMART goals
  3. Clean and organize your study area
  4. Draw diagrams to depict complicated process or hierarchies
  5. Whether it's a word or a concept, learn something new every day. The key to true learning is forming meaningful connections. The more connections you make, the more you will retain.
  6. Be aware of your meta cognition. Know what you don't know. Socratic ignorance. 
  7. Break large tasks into small tasks
  8. Study way in advance
  9. Get plenty of sleep
  10. Learn your teacher's testing style, and form your own questions. Basically, create your own exam. 
  11. Review some test taking strategies; Beat the system.
  12. Go to office hours. Research the exam. What format? How many question? What do most students generally have trouble with?
  13. Make sure you have enough light to study by.
  14. Eat healthy light meals.
  15. Think positive and don't panic. Take deep breaths tackle one subject at a time. Don't get overwhelmed; you can do this!
  16. Practice problems (math, chem, accounting) on a white board. you can get sticker boards online. 
  17. Know your learning style and adjust to it.
  18. Different subjects require different studying techniques. You wouldn't study for calculus the same way you study for English.
  19. If a study guide isn't provided make one of your own.
  20. Let people know you will be studying, then they won't try to get into contact with you. 

During Studying

  1. Study in short, frequent bursts. Don't cram!
  2. Practice problems in the back of your book.
  3. Study complex things first.
  4. Use index cards
  5. Take advantage of any reviews or study guides.
  6. Correct any previously graded exams, quizzes, or exercises.
  7. Don't study near/on your bed
  8. Study with silence or classical music ONLY
  9. Study before bed.
  10. AVOID any social media, email, or shopping apps. Avoid anything the will distract you. Turn off your phone if you have to.
  11. Study in groups.
  12. Use mnemonic devices.
  13. Study when you are most alert. Listen to your circadian rhythm! If you are more alert at 9:00 at night, then study at 9:00 at night.
  14. Sing, stand, talk out-loud, or walk. Whatever you do, just don't stare blankly at your notes.
  15. Study smart, not hard. Don't spend hours studying a chapter in the text if you know the questions that will be asked are on the study guide (hypothetical situation). Study the important stuff first and with any leftover time study the text.

Post Studying
  1. Reward yourself for reaching your study goals.
  2. Never stop studying. You should be studying something every day, even if its just for a few minutes. Unfortunately, learning it once isn't enough. You have to continue reinforcing that newly acquired knowledge in order to place it in your long-term memory.

I will attempt to provide a detailed explanation for each of the aforementioned tips. These tips are backed by scientific studies and my own personal experiences. Are there any specific tips that need explained first? Are there any tips that you find helpful, that aren't on the list?

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